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Friday, October 24, 2014

Orders are In!

We knew when me moved to Hawaii that we would only be here 18 months. It seemed like we had just gotten all settled here when we started discussing our next set of orders. This tour will be a 2-year shore tour, and we were really hoping to get orders to the Pacific Northwest so we could be close to family for a couple of years. Sadly, when the list of available positions came out, there was nothing at all in Washington state. Therefore, we had to start thinking about where else we would go for our next adventure. There was a position in Copenhagen that Kelson would have loved, but I wasn't very excited to move to Europe. (Everyone has been telling me I'm crazy not to have jumped at the chance to spend 2 years in Denmark.) I was all for spending 2 more years in Maine. We loved it there. The best positions for Kelson's career were mostly in San Diego and Virginia, so we had to seriously consider those. In the end, we had to submit our top 20 choices (which was a lot!) and then wait for a few weeks to hear. In the end, this is the news we received:

Kelson will be working at the Navy Reconnaissance Office in Chantilly, Virginia, which is about 20 miles west of Washington, D.C. We will be moving some time in March. I will admit that I was not very excited about this news. I was hoping we would be moving closer to family, but we will be just as far away. However, I am getting more excited the more I learn about all of the things to see and do in the area. It will be a fun adventure. After all, we can't really call it moving if we don't travel at least 3000 miles, right?


  1. It sounds like a fun adventure in another beautiful part of the country. At least you will be on the mainland.

  2. Well, you know I love that area. Just don't plan to drive anywhere and you won't hate it. But more importantly, you'll be close to Travis and Robyn! There are tons of military families there and lots of members of the church. You'll have instant families. :)
