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Monday, November 5, 2018

Sarah: Age 5

 Sarah is 5!

Sarah is our smart, strong willed, silly, spunky, imaginative girl. Life is full of imagining, pretending, and creating. She loves to draw and paint and is getting good at it. Sarah loves to dance, and one of her favorite things is to dance to the Nutcracker or Swan Lake with Daddy. She more often requests classical music than anything else. Another favorite is In the Hall of the Mountain King. Anything "dancy" is her favorite. She loves flowers and helping Mom and Dad in the garden. She can name all of our flowers. Sarah also loves fish and animals. Her favorite TV show is The Octonauts, and we have watched every episode many times.  She started pre-school two months ago, and she is learning to read and write. Sarah loves her Mommy, but she is really Daddy's girl. She loves to play ponies, Little People, or Barbies with Daddy. She also loves to bake and help Mommy in the kitchen. Sarah is growing up and becoming such a fun little girl!

 Grandma & Grandpa couldn't make it for Sarah's birthday, so we went over to their house a few days before and celebrated with family. We opened presents and had brownie sundaes minus the brownies because they didn't quite get baked properly in the oven.
 Sarah can be a very enthusiastic present opener. She was very excited about this coloring book.

On Sarah's birthday, we woke up and made fancy pancakes for breakfast. Sarah even got one that looked just like her. After breakfast, I had to go over to Nampa for an appointment with my maternal fetal medicine doctor, so I dropped Sarah and Chris off with our friends, the Snows for a few hours. As it turned out, there were complications with the baby and me, and I was admitted to the hospital to await delivery the next day. I was so sad to have to abandon Sarah on her birthday! We even had to cancel her birthday party. Fortunately, we have wonderful friends and family who made Sarah's birthday special. 
Sarah got to spend the day with her best friend, Lucy. They tried to take her out for McDonald's to celebrate, but she said she wasn't hungry and would just wait in the car. Instead, they went home and had quesadillas. That afternoon, my parents and sister picked Sarah and Chris up and took them to Baker City until Kelson and I could come home from the hospital. I thought our girls might be birthday twins, but Kate waited until early the next morning to join us, so Sarah gets to keep her birthday to herself. She was excited about that. 
Sarah's main birthday gift this year was her very own sewing machine. While we were at the hospital, Grandma helped her make rice bags for everyone. When I got home, Sarah and I started a little quilt for Kate. Sarah is super excited to be able to make things just like Mommy.

 Since Sarah's birthday party was cancelled, we had a Christmas party for her and her friends in December. It was a great party. We made ornaments, had a gift exchange, had a candy cane hunt, and even had a piñata! 
 Sarah's piñata-whacking skills needed a little improvement. I finally had to step in and help the kids break the piñata. 
 Sarah and I had fun making royal icing decorations for our snowflake cupcakes.
Happy birthday, Sarah! We love you!

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