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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Playing "Nap"

Sarah's favorite game for the last several months has been "nap". No, that does not mean that she loves to go up to her room and take lengthy naps. It involves making one of her parents lay down on the floor and then covering them with every blanket, burp cloth, pillow, stuffed animal, and pretty much anything else she can find. It can be very dangerous to lay down on the floor  around here.
 This incident happened one day when Kelson laid down in front of the fire to take a nap. She was kind enough to cover his head with a chair before tossing on all of the books. She was quite proud of herself.
 Fortunately, she has stopped (for the most part) adding books and random painful toys to her nap piles. Now it is mostly blankets, dolls, and animals.
 If you try to sit up or open your eyes while she is busy tucking you in, she pushes you back down and says "go sleep!"
 Kelson actually went to sleep that way for his Sunday afternoon nap.
 Sometimes Sarah crawls in for a snuggle after she finishes tucking Daddy in. The basic lesson you should learn from this post is that Kelson sleeps in a lot of weird places.
 The pillow pet was a great addition to Sarah's stuffed animal collection. It makes the perfect pillow for the "nap" game. 
 Sometimes Sarah wants to be the one tucked in instead. She insisted on the blanket covering her face. Don't worry, she was supervised. No smothering.
 I think they were actually reading a book in there.
 I usually come in to the playroom to find something like this when Kelson is playing with Sarah while I make dinner. Sarah having stuffed herself into a crate or her doll crib and covered with every blanket.

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