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Monday, June 9, 2014

Sarah: 7 Months

Another month has gone by. It seems like Sarah gets more grown up every day! 
 Here is what is going on with Sarah at 7 months:

  • She rolls all over the place. It is a fairly effective means of transportation. She hasn't made any efforts at crawling yet.
  • She is a hair pulling menace.
  • Everything belongs in her mouth as long as it is not a spoon. Anything Mom puts on a spoon is automatically disgusting. It takes great trickery to get her to open her mouth at meal time.
  • Swimming is great fun.
  • She has discovered how to remove (and eat) her eye patch, so she can't be left alone while patched. That means Mommy and Sarah get lots of play time in the morning while she gets her patching done.
  • She loves walks and falling asleep in the jogging stroller.
  • We still haven't figured out how to help her sleep better.
  • She is a happy, smiley girl, especially if she has gotten enough sleep.
  • She has found her voice, and she is very vocal. Her favorite sound is an ear splitting screech. The best times to make this sound are during church meetings and when Mom is trying to make dinner.
A few more samples from our 7 month photo shoot:

Happy 7 months, Sarah!

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