Look at our big girl!
- Kate is 28 inches tall and weighs 17 lbs 14 oz. That puts her in the 66th percentile for height and the 22nd percentile for weight. It is hard to believe that she is so low on the weight scale, because she has some very squishable chub.
- This baby is very mobile. She is crawling like a speeding bullet and pulling up to standing on everything.
- She is in to everything. Her title has gone from "Best Baby Ever" to "The Tiny Terror". She likes to terrorize whatever her siblings are playing with. Two of her favorite things to do are pulling all of the books off of shelves and eating any piece of paper she can get her hands on. In the absence of paper, anything else on the floor is free game for eating.
- We have a toy on the fridge that plays music. Kate has figured out how to push the button, and she is very proud of herself. She turns it on and then dances on her knees.
- Sleeping has been awful lately. It's a good thing this girl is so cute.
- Kate is by far our friendliest baby. She is fairly happy to be held by just about anyone, although she does particularly love Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma. She also thinks Sarah and Chris are hilarious.
- She still eats everything. We have left baby food far behind, and Kate eats everything we eat, although there are still no teeth in sight.
- We all love Kate to death, and she gets thoroughly spoiled around here.
Kate doesn't like grass or hard surfaces on her knees, so she has a tendency to crawl like a spider.
Kate on the attack. If you are on the floor, she will get you. Sarah's hair and glasses are popular targets.
First time in a shopping cart seat when Mommy forgot the baby carrier. She looks happy. She was not. This was a disastrous shopping trip.
Playing at the lake with Daddy
Miner's Jubilee Parade
Kate loves playing outside!
I went in Chris's room, and he had made Kate's bed with his pillow, blanket (yes, Chris has claimed Sarah's pink blanket as his own), and favorite bears just for Kate. He insisted she needed to get tucked. He is a good big brother (at least when he isn't hitting her for stealing his toys.)
Kate went huckleberry picking twice this month. She was very content as long as I fed her a berry every couple of minutes.
Grandma's yellow swing is always a popular choice.
Hiking at Catherine Creek
Sweetest sleeper
Going for a walk at Mason dam while Daddy and Sarah were fishing
First time successfully pulling to standing!
What happens when you leave the baby with Daddy and he finds a fluffy hat
So proud of herself!